The work of RECORD is under-pinned by the important contributions of volunteers. We have a large volunteer team who support us in a variety of different roles. To find out more about volunteering go to Get Involved > Volunteering.
I have volunteered at RECORD since April 2010 and have really enjoyed the experience. The work is interesting, the staff are very friendly and all the volunteers are valued. It's very much like an extended family! In the time that I have been here I have entered many different types of data, helped new volunteers learn the system, participated in ecological surveys and attended many interesting talks and events.
As a result of volunteering here I have had made other connections in the conservation world (which I am passionate about), and this has enabled me to take up other opportunities. My week is now filled with many interesting and varied opportunities which would not have been possible without me joining the RECORD!
I first encountered RECORD at one of their Recording Days, joining others to search an area to identify and record the wildlife present. Attending further events, especially the brilliant, fun-filled, Spotlight Sessions, further helped me identify more of our native wildlife. A few months after that first meeting, I enquired about volunteering, and quickly found myself being warmly welcomed into a team of like-minded, wildlife-passionate friends.
Volunteering has opened my eyes to how important it is to record even the most common of species, and I have begun to make my own records. I also intend using my skills whenever the opportunity arises in future. The only downside: I wish I’d discovered RECORD volunteering several years earlier!